About Project Re
Postmodernism after the 1970s sought to dismantle existing concepts and reconsider the world from new perspectives. As a result, it deconstructed universal principles and foundational concepts, fostering an attitude that values diverse perspectives. However, I have always felt that deconstruction alone leaves things fragmented, unable to function in a cohesive and integrative way.
To address the challenges of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and sustainability, it is essential to transcend fragmented values and create a new framework that humanity can collectively share. This makes it crucial to take the state of disassembly brought about by postmodernism and reorganize it with fresh perspectives and values.
The purpose of these projects is to express a dynamic process oscillating between deconstruction and reconstruction. It is not merely an attempt to recreate the past but a challenge to explore a new order that embraces diversity.
From 2024
Kosuke Karube